KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Solution Architect – KPIs

By A Staff Writer | Updated 28 Feb, 2024

Top KPIs for Solution Architect

1.Solution Design Efficiency: The efficiency and speed of designing IT solutions to meet business needs.

2.Project Delivery Success Rate: The percentage of projects delivered on time, within budget, and to specifications.

3.Integration Complexity Management: The effectiveness of managing the complexity of integrating new solutions with existing systems.

4.Solution Scalability and Flexibility: The ability of designed solutions to scale and adapt to changing business requirements.

5.Technical Debt Reduction: The progress in reducing technical debt through architectural improvements and refactoring.

6.Stakeholder Satisfaction with Solution Outcomes: The satisfaction of project stakeholders with the delivered solutions.

7.Innovation Contribution: The contribution of solutions to enabling new business capabilities or improving efficiency.

8.Architecture Best Practices Adherence: The adherence to industry and organizational best practices in solution architecture.

9.Cost Effectiveness of Solution Design: The balance between solution cost, quality, and business value.

10.Security and Compliance Integration: The integration of security and compliance requirements into solution designs from the outset.