Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI Accounting and Finance Use Cases

By A Staff Writer | Updated 19 Sep, 2023

Generative AI Accounting and Finance Use Cases

Generative AI Accounting and Finance Use Cases

The Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) domain is undergoing transformative change, largely fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements. Generative AI (GenAI) is increasingly recognized as a disruptive force capable of revamping traditional financial models, forecasting methods, and decision-making processes. As FP&A professionals grapple with the complexities of data-driven decision-making, Generative AI can automate and enhance various functions, effectively augmenting human capabilities.

According to a report by Accenture, 79% of executives agree that AI will revolutionize how we gain information from data. This sentiment is increasingly reflected in the FP&A sector, where the marriage of data analytics and GenAI opens up new vistas of efficiency and accuracy. Below are the top ten Generative AI use cases that can be implemented in the FP&A sector, with pertinent statistics and examples.

Generative AI Accounting and Finance Use Cases

1. Automated Budget Allocation

GenAI can analyze historical data to generate optimized budget allocations for various business departments.

Shell uses AI algorithms for capital allocation, leading to a 20% reduction in capital expenditure.

According to Deloitte, 40% of companies that use AI for budgeting report a 5-10% cost reduction.

2. Real-Time Financial Forecasting

GenAI can generate real-time forecasts by pulling in multiple variables, offering a more dynamic view of financial conditions.

IBM’s Watson has helped many companies improve their forecasting accuracy by up to 50%.

EY reports that AI can reduce forecasting errors by 25-50%.

3. Dynamic Pricing Models

Generative algorithms can produce dynamic pricing models based on market conditions, customer behavior, and other variables.

Uber uses GenAI for surge pricing, which has led to a 10% increase in revenue.

According to a report by Simon-Kucher & Partners, dynamic pricing can increase profitability by up to 15%.

4. Automated Risk Assessment

GenAI can assess risk factors and generate detailed risk profiles, thus helping FP&A professionals make better-informed decisions.

American Express uses machine learning algorithms for credit risk assessment, reducing defaults by 20%.

KPMG estimates that AI-driven risk assessment can result in a 40% reduction in bad debt provisions.

5. Intelligent Capital Planning

GenAI algorithms can assess the potential return on investment for different capital projects, facilitating better decision-making.

General Electric uses AI in capital planning, which has optimized its capital expenditure by 15%.

According to McKinsey, AI can improve capital planning decision accuracy by up to 30%.

6. AI-Driven Audit Procedures

Generative AI can produce a prioritized list of transactions that are most likely to contain errors or be fraudulent, streamlining the auditing process.

Mastercard employs AI in audit procedures, reducing false positives by 30%.

PwC estimates that AI can reduce audit time by up to 40%.

7. Optimal Resource Allocation

GenAI can analyze resource usage across departments to suggest optimal allocation, thereby maximizing efficiency.

Adobe uses AI algorithms to reallocate resources dynamically, leading to a 10% increase in productivity.

Gartner estimates that AI-driven resource allocation can improve utilization rates by up to 20%.

8. Trend Analysis for Investment Decisions

Generative AI can analyze market trends to produce investment strategies that maximize return on investment.

BlackRock’s Aladdin platform uses machine learning for investment decision-making, outperforming manual strategies by 12%.

McKinsey reports that AI-driven investment strategies can improve returns by 15%.

9. Cash Flow Optimization

GenAI algorithms can predict cash flow trends, suggesting actionable strategies for optimization.

JP Morgan uses AI to predict cash flow patterns, resulting in a 25% improvement in liquidity management.

According to Accenture, AI-driven cash flow optimization can reduce working capital needs by 20%.

10. Data-Driven Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Analysis

GenAI can process vast amounts of data to generate detailed reports that can guide M&A strategies, including valuations and synergy assessments.

Goldman Sachs employs AI algorithms to screen potential M&A targets, reducing due diligence time by 30%.

A report by EY indicates that AI can increase M&A deal success rates by up to 50%.

As financial systems grow increasingly complex, the role of Generative AI in FP&A becomes pivotal. GenAI provides FP&A professionals with powerful tools for making strategic, informed decisions by automating labor-intensive tasks and generating insights from voluminous data. The impact of GenAI on FP&A is substantial, offering organizations a more accurate, efficient, and agile approach to financial management. Given these advancements, it is not just advisable but imperative for FP&A functions to integrate GenAI into their operations to maintain competitiveness and drive future growth.

This is our list of the top ten Generative AI Accounting and Finance Use Cases. Did we miss any? If so, please share your ideas.