KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Financial Controller – KPIs

By A Staff Writer | Updated 28 Feb, 2024

Top KPIs for Financial Controller

1.Budget Variance: The difference between budgeted and actual financial performance, indicating financial management effectiveness.

2.Cash Flow Management: Monitoring of incoming and outgoing cash flows to ensure liquidity and operational stability.

3.Cost of Compliance: The total cost associated with meeting regulatory and compliance requirements.

4.Financial Reporting Accuracy: The accuracy and timeliness of financial reporting, ensuring stakeholder confidence.

5.Internal Audit Findings Resolution Rate: The speed and thoroughness with which audit findings are resolved.

6.Tax Optimization: Strategies implemented to legally minimize tax liabilities and maximize compliance.

7.Working Capital Efficiency: The effectiveness of managing short-term assets and liabilities.

8.Accounts Receivable/Payable Turnover: Measures the speed of collection on receivables and payment of payables.

9.Financial Process Automation Level: The extent to which financial processes are automated, improving efficiency.

10.Debt Management: The management of corporate debt levels to ensure financial health and stability.