KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer) – KPIs

By A Staff Writer | Updated 28 Feb, 2024

Top KPIs for CSOs

1.Carbon Footprint Reduction: Measures the decrease in total greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the company’s operations.

2.Sustainable Sourcing Percentage: The proportion of materials sourced through environmentally friendly and sustainable practices.

3.Energy Efficiency Improvements: Reductions in energy consumption per unit of production, indicating more efficient use of resources.

4.Waste Reduction Rate: The percentage decrease in waste generated through operations, emphasizing recycling and reuse efforts.

5.Water Usage Reduction: The reduction in the volume of water used by the company, indicating improved water resource management.

6.Sustainability Reporting Compliance: Adherence to global sustainability reporting standards and frameworks.

7.Employee Sustainability Engagement: The level of employee participation in sustainability initiatives and programs.

8.Social Impact Initiatives: The effectiveness and reach of programs designed to benefit society and the community.

9.Sustainability-Linked Financial Performance: The impact of sustainability practices on financial performance and shareholder value.

10.Regulatory Compliance Rate: Adherence to environmental laws and regulations, minimizing legal risks and penalties.