KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

CCO (Chief Compliance Officer) – KPIs

By A Staff Writer | Updated 28 Feb, 2024

Top KPIs for CCOs 

1.Regulatory Compliance Rate: The rate at which the company adheres to applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines.

2.Audit Findings Resolution Rate: The speed and effectiveness with which audit findings and compliance issues are resolved.

3.Training Completion Rate: The percentage of employees who complete mandatory compliance training.

4.Risk Assessment Coverage: The extent and thoroughness of risk assessments conducted across the organization.

5.Compliance Cost Efficiency: The cost-effectiveness of compliance-related activities and initiatives.

6.Incident Reporting and Resolution Time: The time taken to report and resolve compliance-related incidents.

7.Third-Party Compliance Management: The effectiveness of managing compliance among vendors and partners.

8.Ethical Conduct and Integrity Metrics: Measures to assess adherence to ethical standards and corporate integrity.

9.Policy Update and Dissemination Effectiveness: The efficiency of updating and communicating new policies and regulations.

10.Whistleblower Cases Management: The handling and resolution of cases reported through whistleblower programs.