The Boomerang CEO Phenomenon

The Boomerang CEO Phenomenon: Analyzing Leadership, Succession, and Corporate Governance. In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate leadership, the phenomenon of founders and former CEOs returning [...] Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Styles.

The Ultimate Guide to Leadership Styles. Leadership Styles Leadership is a multifaceted concept that goes beyond simply having authority over others; it involves guiding, inspiring, and influencing [...] Read More

Progressive Leadership Styles

Beyond Command and Control: Progressive Leadership Styles Transforming Workplaces The traditional command-and-control leadership style has been the dominant paradigm for centuries. In this model, leaders [...] Read More

11 Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is increasingly recognized as a vital asset for executives to lead effectively. From decision-making to team dynamics, a high EQ can offer a competitive edge. Here are 11 ways you [...] Read More

Leadership Styles – Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman's Leadership styles is a classic management framework. Goleman may be best known for his bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, which demonstrated how the two minds – rational and emotional [...] Read More

Level 5 Leadership

Jim Collins flipped the switch on traditional leadership traits in his book, Good to Great, with his concept of Level 5 leadership. After analyzing more than 1,400 companies over four decades, he focused [...] Read More

Attributes of a Great Leader

What are the core attributes of a great leader?  Are these leadership attributes inborn and ingrained? Or can one cultivate such leadership skills and competencies over time? Given a large number of characteristics [...] Read More